Current Discworld Clubs
There are currently seventy-five clubs on Discworld.
- Absolut Svenskt was founded by Airk with sixty-four members.
- AHL was founded by Zagor with three members.
- AM Daily was founded by Jeanie with one member.
- Anarchs was founded by Nines with eleven members.
- AniKai was founded by Aimi with nine members.
- Arachnophobes was founded by Mirodar with twelve members.
- Artificers Anonymous was founded by Camelion with ninety-eight members.
- Bastard Creators from Hell was founded by Rhinehold with eighteen members.
- BeneluX was founded by Taishar with one hundred and twenty members.
- black_widows was founded by Iohannes with thirty-four members.
- Boardgames was founded by Klawdees with forty-eight members.
- Cam was founded by Dasquian with eleven members.
- Cardex was founded by Anisha with one member.
- cares was founded by Vyre with one member.
- Charm Chasers was founded by Persephone with sixty members.
- Council of Seers was founded by Jensang with forty-eight members.
- crime was founded by Dacrian with two members.
- ctf was founded by Yase with seventy-six members.
- DAHLOOKAHS was founded by Talven with eighteen members.
- Demonologists was founded by Mancow with thirty members.
- DWRW was founded by Ero with three members.
- emporium germanicum was founded by Eisschrube with fifty members.
- Faculty was founded by Griffin with two hundred and eighty-five members.
- Firaxis was founded by Drakkos with three members.
- Free Adventurer's Association was founded by Mattias with twenty-four members.
- Geezers was founded by Moody with thirty-two members.
- Godfathers was founded by Calosal with twenty-one members.
- Guild of Roleplayers was founded by Aell with thirteen members.
- HAGS was founded by Nefret with thirty-five members.
- Hoodwinkers was founded by Evox with forty-nine members.
- inertia was founded by Keita with sixty-three members.
- KCC was founded by Ptenisnet with ninety-six members.
- Kimori Clan was founded by Taiki with thirteen members.
- Klatchian_Wizards was founded by Ochrion with eleven members.
- Lodgers was founded by Aiwendil with one hundred and fifty-nine members.
- meow was founded by Venia with twenty-one members.
- Midnight was founded by Haug with seventy members.
- Muses was founded by Shabree with three members.
- nullspace was founded by The Surgeon General with eighteen members.
- playerhelpers was founded by Mancow with forty-four members.
- Politics was founded by Rhinehold with four members.
- QMA was founded by Henrey with ninety-four members.
- Robin Hood was founded by Kasimir with sixty-eight members.
- RodBotherers was founded by Julie with six members.
- RRU was founded by Thalasso with two hundred and thirty-three members.
- Saddle Sore was founded by Proeliator with ninety-one members.
- SBTC was founded by Ploosk with two members.
- Scribes of Vibes was founded by Johnnytrash with eighteen members.
- Seamstresses was founded by Carlota with thirty-five members.
- Shelox Hunters was founded by Mattias with nine members.
- Shielders was founded by Mirodar with twenty-two members.
- Shonkers was founded by Kimo with two hundred and fifty-two members.
- Shonklox was founded by Delusion with seven members.
- shopkeep was founded by Pipien with sixty-four members.
- Silver Stars was founded by Aerk with thirty-five members.
- Singapore Sling was founded by Pazuzu with three members.
- SMACdown was founded by Shrike with four members.
- Smugglers Den was founded by Rakah with sixteen members.
- Society Concerning Arm Multiplicity was founded by Polycheria with three members.
- Stab through the EYES was founded by Taffyd with one member.
- Taxi was founded by Mordred with one hundred and eighty-two members.
- Teacher was founded by Murky with one hundred and seventy-five members.
- tgs was founded by Elistan with eight members.
- The GUY channel was founded by Dasquian with four members.
- the_moosers was founded by Aslo with one member.
- The Uberwaldean Alliance was founded by Gilaed with seven members.
- The Unsinkables was founded by Sylfver with one hundred and seventy-seven members.
- Trade was founded by Asaram with two hundred and thirty-one members.
- Tshop Spotters was founded by Estimate with seven hundred and eighteen members.
- Turtle Sports was founded by Celes with six members.
- Uberwalds was founded by Aeson with two members.
- Viper House was founded by Sleffie with thirty-five members.
- Von Brassbridge Clan was founded by Appelhof with one hundred and sixteen members.
- WAF was founded by Queenmab with thirty members.
- Witch Life Fund was founded by Elspeth with nine members.