The Witches' Guild
Extra information on the Witches' GuildThe guild of witches is based around knowledge of the occult, but the main thing to remember is that witch magic is magic out of the ground, not out of the sky. Witchery is about herbs and cursing and flying around at nights and generally keeping on the right side of tradition; not dancing skyclad around cauldrons all day or night. It's also about headology: you can't help people with magic (see the mess wizards make) but you can help them with skin - by doing real things. Essentially, headology (that wondrous, mysterious and womanly logic) is about glaring and tricking, nothing more - making people believe you're a witch is most of the battle. To be a witch you must learn three things: 1) To know what's real. 2) To know what's not. 3) To know the difference.
The Witches' Guild has the following as primary skills:
- magic.spells.offensive
- magic.spells.defensive
- magic.spells.misc
- magic.spells.special
- magic.methods.mental.channeling
- magic.methods.mental.charming
- magic.methods.mental.cursing
- magic.methods.physical.brewing
- magic.methods.physical.chanting
- magic.methods.physical.dancing
- magic.items.held.broom
- magic.items.worn.amulet
- magic.items.worn.ring
- magic.items.talisman
- magic.points