Current Discworld Families
There are currently one hundred and twenty-four families on Discworld.
- accidentally was founded by Ratman with one member.
- Ache was founded by Mist with one member.
- al'Nighter was founded by Nayeli with four members.
- al-Mu'aqqibat was founded by Manat with four members.
- almost was founded by Tetsuo with one member.
- Ambrosia was founded by Airica with one member.
- b'Nanerz was founded by Hannerz with one member.
- Banananas was founded by Brazen with one member.
- Bell was founded by Quow with two members.
- Boborgle was founded by Zorgle with one member.
- Carebear was founded by Avenged with one member.
- Cavendish was founded by Montgomery with one member.
- Cellery was founded by Antonio with one member.
- Chaotic was founded by Neo with one member.
- CleverName was founded by Sparkles with one member.
- CodeBreaker was founded by Osore with one member.
- Crayoneater was founded by Hyperion with one member.
- Crowforge was founded by Zidane with one member.
- Cupcakes was founded by Aine with one member.
- Cutting was founded by Crazy with seven members.
- D'Aquitaine was founded by Kalexys with one member.
- d'Ardoise was founded by Elauna with one member.
- D'Blur was founded by Inabun with one member.
- d'Groggy was founded by Arwyn with one member.
- d'Immortal was founded by Ceres with one member.
- d'Licious was founded by Taffyd with five members.
- d'Lulu was founded by Jems with one member.
- D'man was founded by Akera with two members.
- d'Mycroft was founded by Huff with two members.
- d'Parranoid was founded by Dextar with thirteen members.
- da'Barbarian was founded by Fernir with one member.
- Daluka was founded by Talven with nineteen members.
- de Nerde was founded by Sugendran with one member.
- de Rien was founded by Aragorn with four members.
- Demonwright was founded by Mythica with eleven members.
- den Garran was founded by Stamen with two members.
- Dent was founded by Artthur with one member.
- DeSade was founded by Miki with one member.
- Deus Ex was founded by Exalted with one member.
- di Notte was founded by Coricopat with two members.
- didn't do-it was founded by Dacrian with one member.
- Dom Perignon was founded by Mysteriis with one member.
- Dreamqvist was founded by Kadath with one member.
- Faelix was founded by Arienne with one member.
- Faintly was founded by Tremulo with one member.
- Fallstar was founded by Ordeith with twenty-three members.
- font was founded by Eli with one member.
- Forestweaver was founded by Twiggy with two members.
- Frostholme was founded by Acalyn with two members.
- Fury was founded by Utous with one member.
- Grolschdrinker was founded by Zuipschuit with five members.
- Hsauce was founded by Hsoy with one member.
- Hugglesome was founded by Hagatha with one member.
- in the Darrke was founded by Gnillot with one member.
- inator was founded by Woom with one member.
- is Transparent was founded by Turvity with one member.
- Jiggles was founded by Julie with one member.
- Joke was founded by Inside with one member.
- juhn malkovich was founded by Being with one member.
- Katsuobushi was founded by Dashi with one member.
- Kush was founded by Anisha with one member.
- L'Reaux was founded by Aimi with twenty-three members.
- Le'Zatapathique was founded by Amaranth with seven members.
- LeBeau was founded by Remy with three members.
- LekkerDing was founded by Haloj with one member.
- Lockhart was founded by Asha with one member.
- Majere was founded by Raistlin with one member.
- Maleficarum was founded by Malleus with one member.
- Marsh was founded by Tinsch with one member.
- Marshmallow was founded by Mauve with nine members.
- Masala was founded by Rauna with one member.
- McDumFook was founded by Yase with one member.
- MeUpScotty was founded by Quickbeam with one member.
- Minamoto was founded by Ayoda with one member.
- Missile was founded by Scud with one member.
- Mistblade was founded by Shimodo with one member.
- Monde was founded by Gara with one member.
- Moorgan was founded by Henrey with one member.
- n Tonique was founded by Gin with one member.
- NaSSaH was founded by Hassan with one member.
- Northstar was founded by Myrin with four members.
- Nosferatu was founded by Precious with one member.
- O'Lalah was founded by Nuala with one member.
- O'Lir was founded by Fiachra with one member.
- o'rock was founded by Ragn with thirteen members.
- of Bingin' was founded by Arwyn with one member.
- Omega was founded by Aureole with one member.
- Patch was founded by Buttercup with one member.
- PieEater was founded by Nevvyn with one member.
- Pleasures was founded by Sinful with one member.
- pteh Pterrible was founded by Ptoley with fourteen members.
- Quicke was founded by Whippet with one member.
- Raffe was founded by Dji with one member.
- Raft was founded by Airk with one member.
- Rehevkor was founded by Lexx with eleven members.
- Sanguina was founded by Carmine with one member.
- Sinensis was founded by Camelion with two members.
- Solari was founded by Archoplytes with one member.
- Spoonalicious was founded by Soothsayer with one member.
- The Almighty was founded by Kalizkan with one member.
- the Flame was founded by Venia with one member.
- the Fluffy was founded by Phantomracer with twenty members.
- the Hero was founded by Zero with one member.
- the misspeler was founded by Fenrir with one member.
- the Tranquil was founded by Tisamon with one member.
- the Tyger was founded by Cyclo with five members.
- TiME was founded by Grime with one member.
- totally was founded by Kiki with two members.
- Tsukuyomi was founded by Niniko with one member.
- Ultion was founded by Umiven with one member.
- Uul Khaan was founded by Fralipolipi with two members.
- Viras was founded by Jerec with fourteen members.
- Vishous was founded by Arturos with two members.
- von Brassbridge was founded by Appelhof with twenty-one members.
- Von Happymaul was founded by Grimace with three members.
- von Marienbad was founded by Adassin with two members.
- von Schaf was founded by Emily with three members.
- Von Vivisector was founded by Vviciousvv with one member.
- Waretseemz was founded by Snot with one member.
- Wibblesworth was founded by Eldermeer with one member.
- Wollstonecraft was founded by Natalolly with three members.
- Womblesworth was founded by Geryon with fifty-nine members.
- Wreckoning was founded by Ghastley with two members.
- Yatsu was founded by Yabai with one member.