tempt |
Discworld command help |
tempt |
tempt - Tempt someone with forbidden fruits
tempt <living> with <object>
tempt <living> with <object> {in|from} <basket>
tempt <living> with <object> [while] speaking <language>
tempt <living> with <object> {in|from} <basket> [while] speaking <language>
tempt <living> with <object> by posing as <string>
tempt <living> with <object> {in|from} <basket> by posing as <string>
tempt <living> with <object> by posing as <string> [while] speaking <language>
tempt <living> with <object> {in|from} <basket> by posing as <string> [while] speaking <language>
Witches are notorious for moonlighting as humble sellers of apples. Many are so skilled at this that, like C.M.O.T. Dibbler, they are able to press apples upon people even against their better judgement. While apples, poisoned for preference, are a witch's fruit of choice, she may tempt people with any sort of fruit, ideally carried in a pretty basket. Not all fruits are created equal, therefore some are more tempting than others.
True artisans of the craft often develop a rapport with the basket they use in this endeavour and find that being identified as "that harmless old woman with the <basket of her choice>" lulls people into a false sense of security.
Those witches who do not wish to appear as harmless old women may pose as something else. An alias called .temptposes can be created (with each pose separated with a ;) and if the pose "random" is used with the command one pose will be selected at random from the alias.
It should be noted: Victims of poisoning do not actually die from the effects. Instead they are reduced to a near coma like state in which they are very vulnerable.
The attempt costs the witch 20 gp plus an additional 20 gp for each person she tempts.
> tempt saffra with apples in basket
You waggle your basket alluringly.
You say: Lawks. I am a harmless old seller of apples, and skinny besides. Lawks. Pray take and eat one, dearie.
Saffra d'Licious is so tempted by the bright red apple that she can't help but take it from you.
Saffra d'Licious eats a piece of the bright red apple.
> tempt nanny with kiwifruit by posing as the Disc's second greatest lover
You say: Lawks. I am the Disc's second greatest lover and seller of kiwifruits. Lawks. Pray take and eat one, dearie.
Nanny Ogg resists the temptation to take the green kiwifruit from you.