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The Witches' Guild

 —where the wette hennes make the tea

Goodie Whemper's Definitive Guide To Writing New Tricks

Writing thee Stages For thee Trick

Like real spells, a Trick is made up of various Stages, so thee witch must next convince it how many stages it has and four things about each stage also:

  1. how Difficult thee stage is,
  2. wot to say to thee audience watching at that stage,
  3. wot to tell thee witch at that stage, and
  4. wot items to consume at that stage.

When deciding wot thee Trick should say to others and should tell her at each stage, thee witch should keep a few Rules in mind:

  1. She must always include her Name (capitalized properly) in wotever thee Trick will say to observers.

  2. She must also indicate in some way thee skill she will use during that stage. In this Way she may hone thee skills required to cast her Trick and therefore be more Prepared at thee Trials. For Instance, I once wrote a Trick wot said "Goodie Whemper chants quietly under her breath." at stage six (6). By casting it often, I found that my ability to chant was very much Improved.

  3. If her Trick is to be cast on someone or something and should say something about thee target, she must refer to thee target as "Charlie" and, if using pronouns for Charlie, make them Masculine.

    Eg: "Granny Weatherwax chants quietly under her breath, points a threatening finger at Charlie, and looks satisfied when his straw stuffing falls out."

    NB: Thee witch must notte try to make Charlie do things (ie: use verbs for Charlie) in thee stages, because they will look funny when thee Trick is cast, which is most Embarassing when it happens in front of her sister witches! Trust me on this.

  4. She needn't include her name nor refer to any skills in thee bits thee Trick will tell her at a stage. However, other hags may some day cast her Trick so thee messages should be complete sentences, make sense, an' refer in some way to wot thee caster is doing during that stage. I have educed many tricks written by other witches that make little sense to me when they are cast, an' I do notte mean only those written by e.g. Old Mother Dismass.

[ Thee Notes | Cover Page | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ]