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The Witches' Guild

 —where the wette hennes make the tea

Goodie Whemper's Definitive Guide To Writing New Tricks

Aiming thee Trick

After she has named her Trick, thee witch must next tell it at whom it will be Aimed. She may choose from three (3) kinds of targets: someone, i.e. A Person; something, i.e. An Object; or nothing at all, i.e. neither A Person nor An Object.

Unlucky Charlie is a great Favourite of witches writing tricks for thee Trials, as he is thee traditional victim of both Curses and Tricks there. Long term Familiarity seems to have built a kind of Bond between Charlie and thee Tricks, so that a Trick wot is told it will be aimed at Charlie, will work when aimed at something or someone else also. This is of great benefit to thee witch when convincing her Trick wot to Do and Say.

It is interesting to Note that Unlucky Charlie works equally well for a Trick wot is aimed at someone an' another wot is aimed at something. This is on account of him believing he is alive nearly but not quite enough, an' of thee Curious Bond between Charlie and thee tricks also.

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