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The Witches' Guild

 —where the wette hennes make the tea

Goodie Whemper's Definitive Guide To Writing New Tricks

Naming thee Trick

A Trick can be named most anything providin' it is done Properly and providing thee name is notte already being used by some other Spell. Spells get a bit Tetchy if you try to use their names. Many witches have lost their stones by trying this; I could find no first hand accounts of Bodily Harm, tho' I did look. I, myself have been thumped a time or two in thee pursuit of Knowledge. Some Tricks become actual spells when they grow up; then they get Uppity about you using their names also.

Tricks are picky about their names; trial an' error has shown that they refuse to be named anything Punctuated, also they insist on being Capitalized Properly. They do notte warn you of these things but modify their names according to their own Desires.

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