bright |
Discworld player help |
bright |
bright - gauge the illumination and light intensity of things
bright [<object(s)>]
bright exit <direction>
bright <object> against <object(s)>
Bright gives you an estimate, based on your race, of the illumination of an object or objects and of any light that they may be producing. If no arguments are given, it considers your environment.
You can also use this to gauge the brightness of nearby rooms.
You can use this to gauge the relative brightness of various objects, so you can tell which one is bright than another.
> bright
The Mended Drum is brightly lit.
> bright torch
The lit torch is brightly lit and produces quite a bit of light.
> bright amulet
The dimly glowing amulet is brightly lit and produces a faint light.
> wear amulet
You wear a dimly glowing amulet.
The dimly glowing amulet glows more brightly.
> bright amulet
The brilliantly glowing amulet is very brightly lit and is very bright.
> bright exit west
The stables are glowing dimly.
> bright amulet against ring
The brilliantly glowing amulet is brighter than the ring.