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Soul Help
- Allowed command patterns:
- point at <indirect:any-living> <string>
- point <string> at <indirect:any-living>
- point at <indirect:any-living>
- point [at] <indirect:any-living> <string>
- point <string> [at] <indirect:any-living>
- point at <string>
- point [at] <indirect:any-living>
- point [at] <string>
- Has a no arguments mode.
- Self:
- You point.
- Others:
- Elric points.
- For the arguments:
- [north, south, east, west, up, down, around, nowhere in particular, in two directions at once, #]
- You point north.
- Others:
- Elric points north.
- Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
- Self:
- You point at Womble and Cabbage.
- Target:
- Elric points at you.
- Others:
- Elric points at Womble and Cabbage.
- For the arguments:
- [baton, pencil, wand, broom, sword, finger, thumb, quill, pointy hat, argument, breadstick, Irish setter, #]
- Self:
- You point your baton at Womble and Cabbage.
- Target:
- Elric points his baton at you.
- Others:
- Elric points his baton at Womble and Cabbage.
- For the arguments:
- [accusingly, straight, right, pointingly]
- Self:
- You point accusingly at Womble and Cabbage.
- Target:
- Elric points accusingly at you.
- Others:
- Elric points his accusingly at Womble and Cabbage.
- For the arguments:
- [and laugh, laugh]
- Self:
- You point and laugh at Womble and Cabbage.
- Target:
- Elric points and laughs at you.
- Others:
- Elric points his and laugh at Womble and Cabbage.