teach |
Discworld player help |
teach |
teach - teach things to other players
teach <skill|max/n levels of skill|skill to level n|command> to <person(s)>
teach me <skill|max/n levels of skill|skill to level n|command> from <person(s)>
teach bonus <skill>
This command allows you to teach a command or skill to another player. In the case of commands the person doing the teaching needs to be experienced enough in the skill to teach it, and the person being taught also needs to be experienced enough to learn the skill.
In the case of skills the person doing the teaching needs to have an effective teaching bonus that is higher than the skill bonus of the person being taught.
The effective teaching bonus is the average of two numbers: (1) the bonus in the skill being taught, and (2) either the bonus in the relevant teaching skill, or twice the bonus in the taught skill, whichever is lower.
The cost in experience to the student is based on the relative difference between the teacher's effective teaching bonus and the bonus of the person being taught.
Once it has been determined that the teacher has sufficient teaching bonus to teach the student, the teacher's teaching skill, with a difficulty based on the student's bonus in the skill being taught, will be tested to see if the teacher should be rewarded or not.
If the person you are trying to learn from has 'auto teach' turned on then you can learn skills from them directly without them having to 'teach' you. Use the 'options' command to toggle 'auto teach' on and off.
> teach judge to khaos
You teach judge to Khaos.
> teach fix to bil
Bil is not high enough level to learn fix.
> teach 1 level of fighting to bil
You offer to teach bil 1 level of fighting for 7000 xp.
> teach me other.fluff from lanfear
Lanfear offers to teach you 1 level of other.fluff for 753 xp.
Use "learn" to learn the skill.
> options auto teach = on
Set option auto teach to on.
> teach bonus fighting
Your effective teaching bonus in fighting is 107.