pterrors |
Discworld Playtester Help |
pterrors |
pterrors - Obtain information about bug, idea, or typo reps submitted in the past.
pterrors mine
pterrors mine type {bug|typo|idea|all} status {open|fixed|fixing|considering|denied|all}
pterrors player <name> type {bug|typo|idea|all} status {open|fixed|fixing|considering|denied|all}
pterrors order {date|descending date|directory|filename}
pterrors object <object>
pterrors command <command>
pterrors ritual <ritual>
pterrors spell <spell>
pterrors player <name>
pterrors next
pterrors mine
pterrors <number>
The pterrors command is provided to allow playtesters to review and browse through bug, idea and typo reps Checking the existing reps on a room or object while testing is strongly encouraged so that creators do not receive multiple reps on the same bug or typo.
A simple "pterrors" will list all the current OPEN reps associated with the room you are standing in.
"pterrors object <object>", where <object> is an NPC or item in your vicinity, will list all the current OPEN reps for that object. (Note that sometimes you will see reps for an object that the specified object was descended from.)
"pterrors command <command>" will show the current OPEN reps for the given command.
"pterrors ritual <ritual>" and "pterrors spell <spell>" will show all the OPEN reps for the given ritual or spell, but currently you must know the ritual or spell yourself to look up its associated reps.
"pterrors player <name>" will list reps submitted by the given player. This list can be filtered by using the additional "status {open|fixed|considering|denied}" to view only the reps with the given status. To view your own reps, you can enter the simplified "pterrors mine".
To view a particular rep listed (or if you have received a rep number from another source), use pterrors <number>, where <number> is the identifying number for that rep. The file will be displayed on your screen.
If you enter "pterrors order descending date", reps will henceforth be displayed in order of descending date.
If there are a large number of reps, exceeding the 150 display limit, entering "pterrors next" will display a continuation of that listing. You can repeatedly enter "pterrors next" as needed.
> pterrors
#22567 Sep 3 2004 23:53 by sined (IDEA - ROOM - OPEN)
#47621 Aug 10 2005 00:05 by saaur (IDEA - ROOM - OPEN)
#73473 Jan 6 2007 01:38 by fayte (BUG - ROOM - OPEN)
> pterrors 22567
Looking up bug, please wait.
#22567 Sep 3 2004 23:53 by sined (IDEA - ROOM - OPEN)
Perhaps we could have a shower room north of here?