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playtesting - Query projects in playtesting
playtesting list
playtesting list <domain>
playtesting list <playtester>
playtesting details <project id>
playtesting report <project id>
playtesting assign <project id>
playtesting unassign <project id>
playtesting here
playtesting object <object>
The playtesting command is an interface to the Discworld creator project management system. Scary as that sounds, it's pretty much just a simplified query tool that allows playtesters to find out useful details about projects in playtesting.
The simple 'playtesting list' command will list all projects currently in playtesting. This can be qualified with either a domain or the name of a playtester. If you qualify it with a domain name, it returns all the projects that domain currently has in playtesting. If you qualify it with a playtester's name, you get the list of all projects they have been assigned to playtest.
'playtesting details' will give you the relevant details about a project, including the name, description, assigned creators and assigned playtesters. You must qualify this with the project ID, rather than the name... and remember that the ID is case sensitive.
'playtesting report' allows you to add a 'status report' of sorts to the project tracker entry for the project. You can use this to record observations that don't quite fit into a bug report. Again, you must qualify this by the project ID (case sensitive).
Senior playtesters can make use of the 'assign' and 'unassign' commands. These will allow them to assign and unassign themselves to a project in playtesting. Normal playtesters will need a domain lord or the Lord/deputy of the playtesting domain to assign them to projects.
'playtesting here' and 'playtesting object <object>' will tell you whether an object is from a playtesting or development directory items which are marked as such must not be used except for playtesting purposes in line with the guidelines of the relevant coder. Items not marked as in playtesting or development may still be restricted, so do not treat this as a definitive guide.
> playtesting list ram
The following projects are currently in playtesting:
Project ID Name Domains
Monopoly Exclusive Possession Ram
NewSlice The village of Slice Ram
> playtesting details Monopoly
The details for this project are:
Project ID: Monopoly
Project Name: Exclusive Possession
Project Leader: Drakkos
Description: Monopoly for Discworld.
Domains: Ram
Creators: Drakkos
Assigned Playtesters: None.