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Discworld playtester help



check - Query a room's vital statistics


check chats
check long
check items
check day items
check night items


The check command is intended to let you see a 'big picture' view of what makes up a room, such as its items, its day and night long descriptions and its room chats. It lets you see all of these at once without having to hunt for references or wait for the time of day to change.

It is also used as a synergistic command that allows you to query all sorts of stuff.

Remember that seeing everything at once sometimes takes away the context of seeing things individually... this command is intended as a complement to traditional 'typo hunting' techniques and not a replacement for them. There are many subtleties that the command will miss, such as seasonal changes (where they exist), and dynamic descriptions. But it will let you see a lot more at once than you would be able to otherwise.

'check chats' will show you the chats of a room, and their frequency. If there are day and night chats, it will show these along with how often they are displayed.

'check long' will show you the day and night long for a room.

'check items' will give a list of items and their long descriptions. If a long description is surrounded by stars, it means that it is dynamically generated by code and all you are seeing is a snapshot of it... it may change due to environmental conditions.

'check day items' and 'check night items' show the items that are added during the day or the night... these are in addition to the standard items of the room, so 'check night items' for example will show only the additional items that are added at night.

'check vouches' will show you which players you have vouched for as playtester candidates.

'check protected' is PT Executive only and will list the people using PT protection.


> check chats

This room has the following chats, set to occur at the rate of one every 120 to
240 seconds:

1. Drakkos smells of bee vomit.

2. Drakkos smells of bee excrement.

3. Drakkos is covered in bees.