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Thieves' Guild

Discworld Newbie Help

Thieves' Guild


The members of the Thieves' Guild specialise in stealing all they can from the inhabitants of the Discworld; non-player characters and playerkillers alike. Their motto is: ACVTVS ID VERBERAT ("Whip it quick"). Thieves learn much about the art of stealing, discovering how to snatch weapons from their victims' hands and steal the shirt off their backs with equal ease. Thieves may choose to join one of five specialisations: prowlers, cutpurses, muggers, safecrackers or smugglers.

The main branch of the guild is located on the Street of Alchemists in Ankh-Morpork, where theft is legal but on quota and unlicensed theft is stepped down on very hard indeed.

The Guildmaster is Ordeith.
The Assistant Guildmaster is Amaranth.


Prowlers receive good training in the essentials for thieves. They learn to move stealthily, hide and to manipulate objects covertly. They also learn to judge the value of gems and jewellery.

The Monitor of Prowlers is Swiper.


Cutpurses excel at covert manipulation, learning to steal, palm and slip objects as well as gaining skill in sleight-of-hand. They also benefit from training with daggers and thrown weapons.

The Monitor of Cutpurses is Remy.


Muggers are the thugs of the guild, they focus on three groups of weapons; swords, maces and thrown weapons but also hone other less violent skills such as stealing and casing.

The Monitor of Muggers is Riverphoenix.


Safecrackers do not learn how to steal directly, but instead specialise in unlocking locks, traps and safes.

The Monitor of Safecrackers is Falinore.


Smugglers specialise in assessing the value of items, learning to value gems, jewellery, weapons and armour and assessing how well the latter two will fare in combat.

The Monitor of Smugglers is Rakah.