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Discworld Newbie Help



Talking - Saying what you mean, when you mean it!

Talking Publicly

While in a room with another player or non-player character, communicate by simply typing the command "say".

For example, if you were to enter:

> say These cantaloupes are lovely!

Everyone else would see:

Skye says: These cantaloupes are lovely!

A few variations of the say command are available as well. If you want to address your words to one specific person in the room, you can use "sayto"; if you don't want others to hear them use "whisper". To speak loudly, there is "lsay".

Finally you can use the "shout" command to call out to people within a small radius. When you shout a message, all players in your vicinity are given the message. For example:

Nearby to the west, Bob yells: Help, help, I'm being repressed!

Talking Privately

You can also communicate with almost anyone on Discworld, wherever they are, by typing the command "tell". If Pinkfish were to enter:

> tell taffyd Did you do that?

Taffyd would see:

Pinkfish asks you: Did you do that?

A few players choose to not receive tells from other players. If, for some reason, your tell was not received, you'll at least see a message explaining why, for example: "Taffyd has tells earmuffed."

See Also

tell, say, sayto, whisper, shout, spam protection