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Discworld creator help



add_ac - This function gives an object an armour class, etc.


int add_ac( string ac_name, string ac_type, mixed ac_arg );


The add_ac function is used when you want to give an object (usually armour) the actual ability to protect against something. Here's a brief breakdown of it: If you take a look at the Syntax above, there are three parts to the function. String ac_name is the armour class name. This can be anything, but please use something meaningful. String ac_type is the attack type. Various and sundry attack types are listed in /doc/create/attack_types. The mixed ac_arg is the actual armour class. The higher this is, the better the armour will protect you. If the argument is a number, the ac will be random( number ). If the argument is a 1 element array, the ac will be that element. With a 2 element array, ac will be the first element + random( second element ). With a 3 element array, it will be first + second D third.


add_ac( "standard_blunt", "blunt", 50 );
add_ac( "standard_pierce", "pierce", ({ 50 }) );
add_ac( "standard_sharp", "sharp", ({ 25, 50 }) );
add_ac( "fire", "fire", ({ 20, 4, 10 }) );

See also
