unknown call_other(object|string|object *, string, ...);
object new(string); /* clone_object */
void destruct(object);
int exec(object, object);
finding objects:
object find_object(string);
object find_living(string);
object find_player(string);
mixed *find_wizard(string);
object present(object|string, void|object);
string *wizards();
object *users();
object next_living(object);
state of the system:
object previous_object();
object this_object();
object this_player(void|int);
string query_verb();
system calls:
string mud_name();
object master();
string version();
string query_load_average();
string rusage(); /* resource usage */
int command(string); /* where should this one go? */
void throw(mixed);
void shutdown();
void set_prompt(string);
/* where should the call_out stuff go? */
mixed *call_out_info();
int remove_call_out(string);
void call_out(string, int, void|mixed);
int find_call_out(string);
void notify_fail(string);
void wizlist(void|string); /* where should this go? */
object shadow(object, int); /* where should this one go? */
/* these two should be written in terms of the file io functions */
void save_object(string);
int restore_object(string);
system calls: directly mapped to UNIX equivalents
string crypt(string, string|int); /* An int as second argument? */
string query_host_name();
string ctime(int);
int random(int);
int time();
system calls: debugging
void break_point();
int trace(int);
void swap(object); /* Only used for debugging */
string traceprefix(string|int);
mixed debug_info(int, mixed|void, ...);
filesystem i/o:
too many filesystem efuns. We should winnow this list and implement
a lot of these as simul_efuns (especially all of the read/write ones)
filesystem i/o: mapped directly to UNIX equivalents
int mkdir(string);
int cp(string, string);
int link(string, string);
int rm(string);
void rmdir(string);
int rename(string, string);
filesystem i/o: derived
string read_bytes(string, void|int, void|int);
string read_file(string, void|int, void|int);
int cat(string, void|int, void|int);
int write_file(string, string);
void log_file(string, string); /* why do we have this one? */
string *get_dir(string, int default: F_CONST0);
mixed *stat(string, int default: F_CONST0);
int file_size(string);
void tail(string); /* shouldn't cat be used for this? */
int write_bytes(string, int, string);
void ed(void|string, void|string); /* hmm, maybe this should go elsewhere */
int export_uid(object);
string geteuid(object default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
string getuid(object default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
int seteuid(string|int);
communication: between objects
void tell_object(object, string);
void tell_room(object|string, string, void|object *);
void say(string|mixed *, void|object|object *);
void shout(string);
void message(string, string, string|string *|object|object *,
void|object|object *);
communication: between object and interactive
void get_char(string, void|int);
void input_to(string, ...);
int receive(string);
object snoop(void|object, void|object);
void printf(string, ...);
void write(mixed);
string sprintf(string, ...);
programming language - types
int intp(mixed);
int objectp(mixed);
int pointerp(mixed);
int stringp(mixed);
int mapp(mixed);
int undefinedp(mixed);
int sizeof(int|mapping|mixed *);
programming language - bitstrings
string clear_bit(string, int);
int test_bit(string, int);
string set_bit(string, int);
programming language - mappings:
void map_delete(mapping,mixed);
mapping allocate_mapping(int);
mixed *keys(mapping);
programming language - string processing:
string capitalize(string);
string lower_case(string);
int strlen(string);
string process_string(string);
string *regexp(string *, string);
string extract(string, void|int, void|int);
int cindent(string);
programming language - array processing:
string implode(string *, string);
string *explode(string, string);
mixed *map_array(mixed *, string, object|string, void|mixed);
int member_array(mixed, mixed *);
mixed filter_array(mapping|mixed *, string, object|string, void|mixed);
mixed *sort_array(mixed *,string,object|string default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
mixed *unique_array(mixed *, string, void|mixed);
mixed *allocate(int);
object properties: verbs/actions
void add_action(string, void|string, void|int);
int remove_action(string, string);
void add_verb(string);
void add_worth(int, void|object|string);
void add_xverb(string);
object properties: container/contained
object environment(void|object);
void move_object(object|string, void|object|string);
object *all_inventory(object default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
object *deep_inventory(object);
object first_inventory(object|string default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
object next_inventory(object default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
object properties: living
void disable_commands();
void enable_commands();
int living(object);
void set_living_name(string);
mixed *commands();
int set_heart_beat(int);
object properties: miscellaneous
string function_exists(string, object default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
string file_name(object default: F_THIS_OBJECT); /* important */
void enable_privileges(object);
int privp(object);
object query_snoop(object);
void set_hide(int);
int set_light(int);
object properties: relationship to other objects
string *deep_inherit_list(object default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
string *inherit_list(object default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
object *children(string);
object properties: interactive
int query_idle(object);
string query_ip_name(void|object);
string query_ip_number(void|object);
int interactive(object default: F_THIS_OBJECT);
int in_edit(object default : F_THIS_OBJECT);
int in_input(object default : F_THIS_OBJECT);
void enable_wizard();
int wizardp(object);
int userp(object);