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Soul Help
- Allowed command patterns:
- tapdance <string> [at] <indirect:any-living>
- tapdance [at] <indirect:any-living> <string>
- tapdance [at] <indirect:any-living>
- tapdance <string>
- Has a no arguments mode.
- Self:
- You tapdance around like a centipede on acid.
- Others:
- Pit tapdances around like a centipede on acid.
- For the arguments:
- [across the room, to the Rim and back, to CWC and back, over a dead body, over Dogbolter's dead body, with new shiny shoes, manically, madly, stylishly, like a duck, like Fred and Ginger, without falling in the sink, #]
- You tapdance around across the room.
- Others:
- Pit tapdances around across the room.
- Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
- Self:
- You tapdance around Womble and Cabbage like a centipede on acid.
- Target:
- Pit tapdances around you like a centipede on acid.
- Others:
- Pit tapdances around Womble and Cabbage like a centipede on acid.
- For the arguments:
- [across the room, to the Rim and back, to CWC and back, over a dead body, over Dogbolter's dead body, with new shiny shoes, manically, madly, stylishly, like a duck, like Fred and Ginger, without falling in the sink, #]
- Self:
- You tapdance around Womble and Cabbage across the room.
- Target:
- Pit tapdances around you across the room.
- Others:
- Pit tapdances around Womble and Cabbage across the room.
- For the arguments:
- [grave]
- Self:
- You tapdance on Womble and Cabbage's grave.
- Target:
- Pit tapdances on your grave.
- Others:
- Pit tapdances around Womble and Cabbage grave.