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Soul Help
- Allowed command patterns:
- nurse <string> <indirect:any-living>
- nurse <indirect:any-living> <string>
- nurse <indirect:any-living>
- For the arguments:
- [gently, carefully, worriedly, concernedly, attentively, lovingly, abruptly, briskly, thoroughly, like a mother, like a friend, like a nurse, like an angel, in stockings and suspenders, with kisses and cuddles, with pills and potions, back to health, back to fighting fitness, better, old-fashionedly, with practiced care, with headology, with massage oil, #]
- Self:
- You nurse Womble and Cabbage gently.
- Target:
- Cosaga nurses you gently.
- Others:
- Cosaga nurses Womble and Cabbage gently.