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Soul Help


Allowed command patterns:
moose [at] <indirect:any-living>
Has a no arguments mode.
You run around shouting "I'm a moose! I'm a moose!".
Tariq runs around shouting "I'm a moose! I'm a moose!".
Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
You prepare to moose Womble and Cabbage. You drop down onto all fours, let out a terrifying mating cry and scuttle over to a wall to make love to it, or, if the mood strikes you, scratch your antlers on it.
Tariq prepares to moose you. $C$Tariq drops down onto all fours, lets out a terrifying mating cry and scuttles over to a wall to make love to it, or, if the mood strikes him, scratch his antlers on it.
Tariq prepares to moose Womble and Cabbage. $C$Tariq drops down onto all fours, lets out a terrifying mating cry and scuttles over to a wall to make love to it, or, if the mood strikes him, scratch his antlers on it.