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Soul Help
- Allowed command patterns:
- lurch at <indirect:any-living> string
- lurch at <string> <indirect:any-living>
- lurch <string> <indirect:any-living>
- lurch <indirect:any-living> <string>
- lurch <indirect:any-living>
- lurch <string>
- Has a no arguments mode.
- Self:
- You lurch around.
- Others:
- Zhar lurches around.
- For the arguments:
- [brains]
- You lurch around moaning "Braaaaains!"
- Others:
- Zhar lurches around moaning "Braaaains!"
- For the arguments:
- [a zombie, a drunk on a friday night, an unreliable rollercoaster, a drunk rhinoceros, a boat on choppy waters, a carriage with a broken wheel, a horse with a broken leg, a zombie on the hunt for brains, a zombie in search of a horde, a tired creator, a grumpy liaison, a punch-drunk warrior]
- You lurch around like a zombie.
- Others:
- Zhar lurches around like a zombie.
- For the arguments:
- [awkwardly, blindly, carelessly, hastily, madly, slowly, enthusiastically, violently, malevolently, vacantly, menacingly, ceaselessly, #]
- You lurch around awkwardly.
- Others:
- Zhar lurches around awkwardly.
- Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
- Self:
- You lurch towards Womble and Cabbage.
- Target:
- Zhar lurches towards you.
- Others:
- Zhar lurches towards Womble and Cabbage.
- For the arguments:
- [brains]
- Self:
- You lurch towards Womble and Cabbage moaning "Braaaaains!"
- Target:
- Zhar lurches towards you moaning "Braaaaains!"
- Others:
- Zhar lurches towards Womble and Cabbage moaning "Braaaains!"
- For the arguments:
- [a zombie, a drunk on a friday night, an unreliable rollercoaster, a drunk rhinoceros, a boat on choppy waters, a carriage with a broken wheel, a horse with a broken leg, a zombie on the hunt for brains, a zombie in search of a horde, a tired creator, a grumpy liaison, a punch-drunk warrior]
- Self:
- You lurch towards Womble and Cabbage like a zombie.
- Target:
- Zhar lurches towards you like a zombie.
- Others:
- Zhar lurches towards Womble and Cabbage moaning "Braaaains!"
- For the arguments:
- [awkwardly, blindly, carelessly, hastily, madly, slowly, enthusiastically, violently, malevolently, vacantly, menacingly, ceaselessly, #]
- Self:
- You lurch towards Womble and Cabbage awkwardly.
- Target:
- Zhar lurches towards you awkwardly.
- Others:
- Zhar lurches towards Womble and Cabbage moaning "Braaaains!"