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Soul Help
- Allowed command patterns:
- bark <indirect:any-living> <string>
- bark <string> <indirect:any-living>
- bark <indirect:any-living>
- bark <string>
- Has a no arguments mode.
- Self:
- You bark.
- Others:
- Cyclo the Tyger barks.
- For the arguments:
- [like a dog, like a cat, like a tree, like a wolf, like a bull terrier, like something else that barks, like one of those darned obnoxious little dogs, happily, annoyingly, without a care in the world, warily, watchfully, bashfully, snidely, enthusiastically, excitedly, obnoxiously, #]
- You bark like a dog.
- Others:
- Cyclo the Tyger barks like a dog.
- Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
- Self:
- You bark at Womble and Cabbage.
- Target:
- Cyclo the Tyger barks at you.
- Others:
- Cyclo the Tyger barks at Womble and Cabbage.
- For the arguments:
- [like a dog, like a cat, like a tree, like a wolf, like a bull terrier, like something else that barks, like one of those darned obnoxious little dogs, happily, annoyingly, without a care in the world, warily, watchfully, bashfully, snidely, enthusiastically, excitedly, obnoxiously, #]
- Self:
- You bark like a dog at Womble and Cabbage.
- Target:
- Cyclo the Tyger barks like a dog at you.
- Others:
- Cyclo the Tyger barks like a dog at Womble and Cabbage.