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Soul Help
- Allowed command patterns:
- astound <string> [at] <indirect:any-living>
- astound [at] <indirect:any-living> <string>
- astound <indirect:any-living>
- Has a no arguments mode.
- Self:
- You are astounded!
- Others:
- Gretchin is astounded!
- Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
- Self:
- You astound Womble and Cabbage!
- Target:
- Gretchin astounds you!
- Others:
- Gretchin astounds Womble and Cabbage.
- For the arguments:
- [stupidity, cleverness, thoughtfulness, dumbness, idiocy, clever use of soul commands, deviousness, VW Beetle, annoyingness, paranoia, wideness of your grin, coffee table, womble, grinning frog, stupid pet tricks, #]
- Self:
- You astound Womble and Cabbage with your stupidity!
- Target:
- Gretchin astounds you with her stupidity!
- Others:
- Gretchin astounds Womble and Cabbage with her stupidity.