remote |
Discworld player help |
remote |
remote - Echos some text to a specific person.
remote <person> <text>
Remote takes the text provided and shows it to the person whose name you've given. It will appear on their screen with your name prepended to it. If you put the text $me$ into the text, then instead of your name being prepended, all instances of $me$ will be replaced by your name.
Note that if you want to use the $me$ replacement in an alias, you will need to escape it with backslashes like so: \$me\$
(If your name is Lynscar)
> remote pinkfish turns you into a frog.
Pinkfish will see:
Lynscar turns you into a frog.
> remote pinkfish You have become a frog, thanks to $me$.
Pinkfish will see:
You have become a frog, thanks to Lynscar. (Lynscar)
> alias dofrog remote $*$ You have become a frog, thanks to \$me\$.
> dofrog pinkfish