The room generator is designed to let you create rooms in a simple manner
removing you as far as possible from the way the mud works. If you have any
suggestions on improvements or even bug reports, mail furball as he is
probably the only one who will ever understand it enough to be able to fix
bugs that he put in it.
If you do come across an error, while editting, just type from the command line
make restore
and it will recover the room from the last time you were at the main menu.
You can also take a room that you wrote before using the room generator and
type make and it will read the information in and let you continue
with that room as though you had not saved it. The code for doing this is
a little awkward at best so if you do have problems, tell someone so it can be
Features not supported yet:
restoring objects from saved rooms.
monsters, weapons and armours.
modify_exit() function