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Tweaking The Flux Capacitor, posted on Sun Jun 16 23:28:31 2013
Posted by: Tof
Category: Special
A new "temporal reality" option has been added under options output.

This will let you change whether NPCs give durations in Discworld or Roundworld hours. The default for everyone is Roundworld hours.

Remember that 1 Roundworld hour is approximately 3 Discworld hours.

With the rather fluid nature of Time on the Disc some NPCs may take a few hours (of their choice) before they pay attention to your preferences. If after a couple of days they're still not giving times as they ought, pleas...

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Additional Witch Spell Tweaks., posted on Tue Jun 4 13:13:16 2013
Posted by: Aristophanes
Category: Guilds
In addition to the previously announced beesargh changes, there have been tweaks to other witch spells:

1) The witch enchantment spell, Mother Twinter's Yarrow Enchantment, has had its guild point cost reduced. Conversely, it now takes up more space in your mind.

2) The spell Granny Lipintense's Layer of Lard has been made slightly more difficult to cast. It also requires more guild points than before, and takes up more of your available mind space.

Have fun!

BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT, posted on Tue Jun 4 08:44:31 2013
Posted by: Aristophanes
Category: Guilds
The witches' main damaging offensive spell, Mother Feelbright's Busy Bees, has been largely re-written to remove its reliance upon the fighting skill, fighting.range.thrown.

In short, your ability to damage a victim is no longer dependent upon hitting them with a gob of honey.

It is now a purely magical spell, relying upon your ability to summon and control a swarm of bees.

In addition to this:

* The skills crafts.pottery.forming.shaping and magic.methods.elemental.air have been replaced wit...

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Lasting Damage, posted on Sat Jun 1 16:33:56 2013
Posted by: Thoreksken
Category: Am (domain pages)
Hibiscus Dunelm, proprietor of the well-known Morporkian tavern the Mended Drum has been forced to stop offering his upstairs apartments and meeting room for rent. Asked for the reasons for shutting down these fairly popular short-term accomodations he refered to an incident with a giant ball of fluff, a hardboiled egg and a thimble. When pushed he just blushed and refused to offer any further details about said incident.

Gonna Tan Your Hide, posted on Wed May 29 13:11:19 2013
Posted by: Kirves
Category: Guilds
Tanning kits have undergone some small revisions.

You will now find that tanning skins of smaller sizes will use less guild points than those of larger sizes and you will now receive a message stating how well you tanned a skin when you do so.

Additionally, they have been made slightly more durable and more expensive by manufacturers and retailers in anticipation of the flood of customers looking to try out these new features.

And finally, tanner's kits and the various supplies needed for dyei...

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Where Am I?, posted on Tue May 28 10:15:40 2013
Posted by: Kirves
Category: Special
The paper maps that players can use to find out where they are have been redone quite a bit. They now have the potential to be far more accurate whereas before it didn't matter how much skill a player had, they just weren't accurate. Additionally, different maps will be easier to use than others depending on the area covered by the maps and how detailed they are.

A new feature is that the locations you add to them can now be erased. To do this you need to use the appropriate items of course. Ano...

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Coloured Lights, posted on Mon May 20 13:47:16 2013
Posted by: Aristophanes
Category: General
There have been a few minor changes to guildpoint lights - yellow stone rings, and the lights created using the wizard spell Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence.

A few messages have been fixed, and you can also now combine the differently coloured lights to have more than one colour showing at a time.

The additional light created by wearing multiple GP lights also now scales according to how many lights you are wearing. There will be a point now where wearing another GP light won't make you a...

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Roleplaying!, posted on Sat Apr 20 14:27:40 2013
Posted by: Pit
Category: General
In order to make the wonders of roleplaying mode available to those who may not, perhaps, be comfortable going all the way, roleplaying mode has seen some changes.

- "options output numbers = descriptive" will replace numbers in skills and scores by descriptive texts

- "options personal roleplaying" has been removed

- the command "roleplaying immersive" gives roughly the same functionality as the old "options personal roleplaying"

Ug Ogg Changes, posted on Sun Apr 7 22:55:07 2013
Posted by: Ruse
Category: Guilds
Enchantment on custom items ordered from Ug Ogg should now play nicely with Gryntard's Feathery Reliever.

Ug has also made some minor additions and improvements to his catalogue and customisation options, and will include coverage in the information provided before completing an order. An order can now be cancelled at any time, for a fraction of the full cost.

Talker Redux, posted on Mon Apr 1 00:29:03 2013
Posted by: Woom
Category: General
It's been brought to our attention that, despite the talker channel (Debates) being dedicated to exactly that, they almost without exception take place on (One) instead. Similarly, the conversations on (One) can be seen as one large, ongoing debate.

Therefore, we're simplifying things and merging the two channels, under the name (Debates). To ease transition, the talker commands will still work with the old name ("one"), as well as with the new one ("debates"), for one week.

Womble on!



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