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Information For Applicants

 — the application kit

Becoming a Creator

While Discworld is always looking for new creators to help expand and improve the MUD, becoming a creator is a big step. There're a few things you should know first, before making this decision.

What is a creator?

You should already have read the following files:

There ain't no going back

Becoming a creator on Discworld is a major change from playing, and not something to be taken lightly.

Having said that, there is for many a great sense of achievement and reward in seeing people playing and enjoying something you helped to create.


Because being a creator carries a great deal of responsibility, Discworld has certain requirements of its creators. Their character must be at least 5 days old and be Guild Level 150. This might sound like a lot, but it helps demonstrate your knowledge of the MUD and involvement with it, as well as your commitment over time.

There is no requirement to know LPC (the language used to code), just a willingness to learn. If anything, a good grasp of English and a rich imagination are more important.


When you apply (using the 'apply' command) you are asked which domain you would like to join. For administrative purposes Discworld is divided into domains. Each domain is run by a domain leader who manages the creators in that domain, with the assistance of domain deputies. The domains are generally organised by areas of the Discworld, although there are a few specialised domains, as well as the liaison domain. Liaisons act as a communications link between players and the creatorbase.

Once you have been accepted into a domain, you are expected to remain there for quite some time. It is rare that you be granted a request to transfer between domains. To transfer between coding and Liaison, a new application is required.

Further Information
