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Thieves' Guild

Discworld Newbie help

Thieves' Guild


The members of the Thieves Guild specialise in stealing all they can from the inhabitants - non player characters and those players who have chosen to become playerkillers - of the Discworld. They will teach you the fine art of thieving - how to steal from your friends and enemies, crack safes, launder items and, in general, become rich at the expense of others. Picking pockets is just one of the many things you will get to learn from this bunch of Authorized Income Redistributors.

The main branch of the guild is located in Ankh-Morpork, where theft is legal but on quota and unlicensed theft is stepped down on very hard indeed. Other regions have their own branches, but since the guild is not legal there, these tend to be hidden.

A young thief will soon be asked to choose one of the five specialisations: prowler, cutpurse, mugger, safecracker or smuggler.

See Also

guilds, guild information