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Guilds - What can they do for you?


Most players will join a guild very early in their mud life. A guild helps to define your character - it gives you cheaper skills, access to certain commands, and determines what the base skill for your guild points (energy) is. Apart from this, the members of a guild share their own talker channel, are treated differently by some NPCs, and being in a guild may help create a background for your character.


A guild allows its members to advance their skills for a bit of money and XP (experience points). While it is possible to teach yourself skills, or learn them from other players, advancing in your guild (when possible) usually takes a lot less XP, in exchange for some money.

All guilds allow you to advance the first few levels of all skills, but only your primary skills (the skills your guild is focussed on) can be advanced very far in your guild. You can get higher levels in each skill than your guild allows you to advance; however, you will have to teach them to yourself, learn from other players, or learn through practice (the so called "taskmaster" system).

You can see what skills you have with the command "skills", or (to see the individual branches), "skills fighting", "skills faith" etc.

Note that, to advance in your guild, you will need money. As you just start out, it can be difficult to get enough; "help making money" has some advice on this topic.

Guild Abilities

Apart from cheap advancement, your guild also offers you some unique abilities. For example, thieves learn to steal, wizards can remember spells and so on. Some of these abilities are learned once you have the skills for them, others are immediate.

Several guild commands can also be learned by members of other guilds. However, all guilds have unique identifying abilities.

Guild Points

Guild points are a measure of your energy to perform guild commands such as stealing, fighting, performing rituals, etcetera. As you just start, these will probably not matter immediately, but your GP grows important quite soon! Like hitpoints, guild points regenerate over time. The maximum number of GP is determined by your primary points skill - for example, if you're a thief, by your bonus in "covert.points".


On Discworld your skill bonus typically determines your ability to perform a task with that skill. Skill bonus is calculated from your skill level and your statistics (as you can see in "score stats"). Different stats affect different skills.

Every player has the ability to rearrange their stats. For example, you could set your intelligence very high, and your dexterity rather low, if you wanted to be better at most branches of magic (at the cost of some fighting skills). However, you can only rearrange once; don't do it until you're absolutely sure of what you want to do!


While it is a good idea to join a guild very early in your life (as it will give you a much quicker start, with relatively cheap skills and quick access to guild abilities), consider your choice really well! You will never be able to change your guild.

Before you join a guild, you can freely wander the disc as an "adventurer".

See Also

guilds, skills, taskmaster, stats, rearrange, guildpoints, teach, making money, assassins guild, priests guild, thieves guild, warriors guild, witches guild, wizards guild