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league |
league - interacting with playerkiller leagues
league list
league list for <player>
league info <league>
league list members of <league>
league join <league>
league leave <league>
By default, players are not allowed to do certain things to other players; for example: killing them, stealing from them or placing contracts on them at the assassins guild. However, this *is* allowed if both players are members of the same league.
There are various kinds of leagues with different conditions for joining and leaving; this is described in help playerkilling. Use:
league list | to see the available leagues; | |
league list for <player> | to see the leagues a given player is in; | |
league info <league> | to see the policy and leadership of a league (in particular, this shows whether you can join without an invitation, and when the league will be disbanded if it is temporary); | |
league list members of <league> | to see all the members (not just online ones) of the given league (use killers <league> to see only the online members); | |
league join <league> | to join the league (depending on the kind of league you may need to be invited to be able to do this); | |
league leave | to stop being a member of the league (if you are an officer of the league, this will cause you to resign; and if you do this in the Playerkillers league, it will cause you to be blacklisted). |
Membership of the Playerkillers league
league join playerkillers
league leave playerkillers
As explained in "help playerkilling", the Playerkillers League is a permanent league with open invitation policy and an elected marshal. This means that everyone who is at least 2 days old and has not previously been banned from freely participating in playerkilling can join without being invited. Members of the Playerkillers league are given access to the Playerkillers channel and board.
Members of the Playerkillers league can leave at any time, but doing so will cause them to be blacklisted. This means that they cannot join in the future, unless the league marshal or a league officer removes them from the blacklist first. In principle, it should not be assumed that they will do so, since traditionally the decision to be a playerkiller or not is considered a long-term one.
The Playerkillers league marshal and officers also have the power to eject players from the league, and to blacklist non-members manually. These powers are intended to prevent players from behaving in ways that are not considered acceptable by the overall Playerkillers community.
Creating and managing a temporary league
league create <name>
league create <name> without theft
league disband <name>
league promote <player> to officer in <league>
league demote <player> in <league>
league resign as marshal in <league> in favour of <player>
league invite <player> to <league>
league disbar <player> from <league> for <reason>
league blacklist <player> from <league> for <reason>
league unblacklist <player> from <league> for <reason>
league log message <message> for <player> in <league>
league search logs for <player> in <league>
league resign as officer in <league>
Any player who is at least 2 days old and not barred from joining leagues (for example because they are already in too many leagues) can create a league of their own. Doing this will make you the marshal and only member of the league. The league will time out automatically after 10 days, or when its marshal disbands it. Other players can only join the league by invitation. If you create the league "without theft", then league members are not permitted to steal (or snatch, filch) from each other, unless both are already in another league that does permit theft.
As league marshal for a temporary league, you have the commands listed above. This includes appointing officers, which gives them access to the bottom seven commands. Most importantly, these commands include the ability to invite other players to the league, or disbar members if you would rather not continue having them in your league. You can also appoint officers, who have the bottom seven commands listed above. Officers do not need to be members of the league.
In addition, blacklisting a player blocks them from being invited until they are unblacklisted — as an added precaution to avoid problem players being reinvited by accident. Players who are disbarred are automatically blacklisted, but players who leave on their own initiative are not.
To support communication about potential problem players, both the marshal and officers can log information about that player to the league log and query the log. For example, a command "league log message has threatened to steal from Pit. for fran in myleague" will lead to the league log having a message "(timestamp) Fran has threatened to steal from Pit." This message can be found by the marshal and officers using the "league search logs" command. Also joining and leaving the league is logged.
Since temporary leagues have no mechanism to elect a new marshal, you cannot leave the league when you are its marshal; instead, you must resign and appoint someone else in your place. The new marshal should also be a member of the league. If there is no one to appoint, you cannot resign, but you can disband the league.
Managing the Playerkillers league
league promote <player> to officer in <league>
league demote <player> in <league>
league resign as marshal in <league>
league invite <player> to <league>
league disbar <player> from <league> for <reason>
league blacklist <player> from <league> for <reason>
league unblacklist <player> from <league> for <reason>
league log message <message> for <player> in <league>
league search logs for <player> in <league>
league resign as <officer> in <league>
The Playerkillers league has an elected marshal, who may in turn appoint officers.
Since the Playerkillers league has an open-invitation policy, the "league invite" syntax is only for special cases: players who are too young to join normally, or who have been banned by creators from freely participating in playerkilling. In addition, the marshal in the Playerkillers league can resign without appointing a successor; this will cause a new election to be started.
Aside from these differences, the commands to manage the Playerkillers league are the same as those to manage temporary leagues. However, it should be noted that the day-to-day management is likely to be very different: these are positions of significant responsibility, and tensions between factions in the Playerkillers league can often run high.
Elections in the Playerkillers league
league info <league>
league stand for marshal of <league>
league second <player> for marshal in <league>
league vote for <1st choice,2nd choice,...,last choice> as marshal in league
When the marshal of the Playerkillers League steps down or is removed from office an election will be held to select a new marshal. The election consists of two phases - one week for nominees to stand for the position and to find a league member to second their nomination followed by a week of voting.
Any player who is active and has not been banned from elections may stand as a nominee. League membership is not required.
Only league members who are active, have been members for at least two days of playing time and are not banned from elections may second nominees and vote. Recently disbarred members may also vote in elections. Voting across alts is not allowed - you may only vote with one character.
The status of an election as well as the list of candidates and hopefuls waiting to be seconded is included in the league info command.
The election is an instant runoff election - voters rank the candidates in order of preference. In the first round, ballots are assigned to each candidate if they appeared as the first choice on the ballot. If any candidate has a majority of the votes they win, otherwise the candidate with the lowest number of votes is eliminated with their votes redistributed to the next candidate ranked on each ballot. This process is repeated until one candidate wins with a majority of votes. It is highly recommended to rank every candidate, otherwise a ballot's list of candidates may be exhausted before a winner is found. If a tie occurs between two candidates one of them will be picked at random as the winner.
If an election fails for any reason, a new one will not automatically be started. To trigger an election any eligible candidate can stand for the position.
Votes of No Confidence in the Playerkillers league
league request [a] vonc in <league> for <reason>
league second [the] vonc in <league>
league vote to {keep|remove} marshal of <league>
A vote of no confidence can be called to remove a marshal from the Playerkillers League. It requires two members who are active, have been members for at least two days of playing time and have not been banned from elections to initiate and second the motion. Once the vote of no confidence has been seconded, league members have one week to vote to keep or remove the marshal. Recently disbarred members may also vote in votes of no confidence. Voting across alts is not allowed - you may only vote with one character.
For the vote of no confidence to succeed, at least seven votes must be cast to remove the marshal and at least two thirds of the votes cast must be to remove the marshal.
If successful, a vote of no confidence will remove the marshal from the post and begin an election.