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Soul Help


Allowed command patterns:
embarrass <indirect:any-living> <string>
embarrass <indirect:any-living>
Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
You embarrass Womble and Cabbage.
DestroyerZ Z Z embarrasses you.
DestroyerZ Z Z embarrasses Womble and Cabbage.
For the arguments:
[about sex, with a stick, under a water tower, about your personal problems, in a fluffy way, using inappropriate soul commands, enthusiastically, slowly, excitedly, seductively, quickly, backwards, under a bridge, in a manger, quietly, loudly, while talking to someone else, heaps, completely, totally, about real life, you in front of your friends, you in front of your parents, in front of Shalla's grandmother, you about mischatting, about netsexing a cre, you about dying, you about typos, #]
You embarrass Womble and Cabbage about sex.
DestroyerZ Z Z embarrasses you about sex.
DestroyerZ Z Z embarrasses Womble and Cabbage about sex.