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Clothes and Containers - What are those for?


Whilst protecting the modesty of the wearer, clothes also offer some degree of protection from the elements. Continued exposure to a cold environment is bad for your health; along with the coughing and sneezing, unless remedied, catching a cold can cause a reduction in your character's wellbeing, which in turn will impact how well you perform in your travels, not least in combat.

Conversely, continued exposure to high temperatures can bring on heat stroke, a similarly debilitating condition. You can use the "temperature" command to see the impact of the items you are wearing. Some clothes make you warmer while others make you cooler; depending on your environment this may be very important.

Clothes are important for more than just helping to make sure you are comfortable. They can hold small items, or conceal weapons... some can even turn into tents! From the stealthy black attire of the assassins to the billowing robes of a portly wizard, clothes really say a lot about who you are.


You can only carry a limited number of items in your immediate inventory. If you carry too much, you will fumble some of your belongings to the floor. Luckily, you can acquire containers to put your stuff in. These containers can be carried or worn, and range from boxes that carry only one or two items to backpacks that will carry up to eighty. You are able to wear several containers at once, but there are limits. Wearing the wrong combination can interfere with your movement, causing your dexterity statistic to be penalised.

Mending Clothes and Containers

Depending on the material, you can mend clothes with a threaded needle or leatherwork leather goods in a tannery. Both of these activities take skill to perform well, and in the case of leatherworking, you will need a certain amount of skill to learn the appropriate command in the first place. An alternative to these mundane methods is to visit the low altar to the deity Gapp off the Street of Small Gods, Ankh-Morpork.

See Also

clothing, stats, temperature