money |
Discworld player help |
money |
money - Show how much cash you are carrying
money <area name>
money <area name> brief
money brief
This command shows you how much money you are carrying. When used with no arguments, the command shows all types of money. If an area name is given, only money of that type will be displayed. The "provincial" money (ie brass, copper, silver, gold, platinum) is always displayed. If you ONLY want these types, use "money default".
In the past there have been bugs when money is put in containers, and it should not be considered as safe as using banks. Money stored in vaults will in general not be replaced if it is lost due to bugs.
> money
Your purse contains one Ankh-Morpork dollar, one brass coin and 10 Lancre
> money lancre
Your purse contains one brass coin and 10 Lancre crowns.