Discworld Concepts |
Bug Abuse |
Discworld Concepts |
Bug Abuse
Occasionally, unintentionally beneficial bugs arise in the game code. These bugs should be reported and should not be taken advantage of.
If you suspect that a game feature is allowing you to advance your character too quickly by allowing you to gain large amounts of experience points, skills, money or equipment, you should report it directly to a liaison at the first available opportunity. This includes bugs that allow you to generate large numbers of non-player characters. Bugs that could be used to disadvantage another player should similarly be reported. Bug abuse is taken very seriously, as with any other activity that is unfair to other players. Penalties may include skills removal or zeroing, suspension, or character deletion.
Reporting Bugs
The "bug" and "typo" commands allow you to report problems with the game, and should be used whenever you find a problem that you believe should be fixed. In the event of a problem being serious, i.e. affecting many players, causing character-death, or being abusable as described above, you should communicate this fact to a liaison or creator as soon as possible.