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Guilds Feedback Solicited!, posted on Thu Aug 13 16:13:12 2009 | Posted by: Drakkos | Category: Guilds | I am sure most of you recognise our own lovely Kaea. She is joining the Guilds team as our newly appointed Public Face and Ambassador to the slavering masses that make up our player base (that's you guys). This is an important role that I wanted to bring to your collective attentions so you understand how this works.
Many of the ideas that we have in our massive piles of idea-reports are large, sweeping comments about entire guilds, entire subsystems of guilds, or entire game systems. Over the years we've done a pretty mediocre job of actually responding to you all about these, and synthesizing your comments into our own development process. This is where Kaea now enters the picture!
Most of the guilds have some manner of player run structure involved. Those representatives of the guild have considerable authority over how the guild runs, but what I would like to do is increase the ability of those positions to feed into our development process. It's important here to provide a caveat - guilds development is not going to be dictated by this feedback, but it will be influenced where appropriate. Kaea is our bridge between the elected (and not so elected) representation for each of the guilds. Those guilds that have no political structure - well, Arrangements Will Be Made.
Additionally, Kaea will be keeping an active eye on the boards and other forms of player contribution with an eye to folding your less crazy comments into our ongoing, never-ending discussions about how development on Discworld should be progressing. While I don't want people drowning her in idle observations or half-considered ideas, I would like people to feel they can discuss with her their thoughts and concerns over where the game is going. It is unlikely she'll be able to give you any firm responses, at least in the short-term, but your feedback will be folded into our planning. It's important to note here that while Kaea will be making sure that we make the 'big picture' connections between all your various ideas, this is not a substitute for you making idea reports yourselves - she will not be able to pass on every detail, this a role about doing the 'joined up thinking' part.
Kaea will be actively contacting people over the coming weeks and months - I would like those of you in positions of responsibility to spend a bit of time thinking about what you'd like to say to her as the first few exchanges of this process. Kaea will be away for a while before beginning this properly, which gives you all a chance to make sure your first pieces of feedback are well thought out and representative of your views. Please don't fill her inbox with this just yet, she'll be in touch when she's ready to start processing your thoughts.
So, thanks to Kaea for taking on this role, and thanks to you all for your continued interest and contribution to the game! |
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