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Soul Help
- Allowed command patterns:
- nerf <string> <indirect:any-living>
- nerf <indirect:any-living> <string>
- nerf <indirect:any-living>
- nerf <string>
- Has a no arguments mode.
- Self:
- You nerf everything and everybody at large.
- Others:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs everything and everybody at large.
- For the arguments:
- [everything, skills, guilds, commands, your guild, xp, numberchasing, idlechasing, truffles, gemcutting, goldsmithing, woodworking, hunting, thieves, wizards, witches, fools, warriors, assassins, priests, bees, bugshields, scrolls, rods, wands, money, the whole Disc, A'Tuin, playerkillers, #]
- You nerf everything.
- Others:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs everything.
- Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
- Self:
- You nerf Womble and Cabbage.
- Target:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs you.
- Others:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs Womble and Cabbage.
- For the arguments:
- [ability to use souls, commands, guild, weapons, armour, mail service, internet connection, womble, wossname, shields, xp, moneymaking, #]
- Self:
- You nerf Womble and Cabbage's ability to use souls.
- Target:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs your ability to use souls.
- Others:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs Womble and Cabbage's ability to use souls.
- For the arguments:
- [frogs, voices, creators, wombles, lords]
- Self:
- You nerf Womble and Cabbage because the frogs told you to.
- Target:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs you because the frogs told her to.
- Others:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs Womble and Cabbage's frogs.
- For the arguments:
- [into oblivion, into the last century, into newbiehood, with a large foam hammer, with a nerf gonne, #]
- Self:
- You nerf Womble and Cabbage into oblivion.
- Target:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs you into oblivion.
- Others:
- Tsuki Northstar nerfs Womble and Cabbage's into oblivion.