Shop front |
Player-run shop help |
Shop front |
Player-run shopfront
push bell
confirm employment
cancel application
Syntax (shopkeeper present)
list [item(s)]
buy <item(s)>
sell <item(s)>
browse <item(s)>
Player-run shops are staffed by player employees, with an npc shopkeeper attending in the absence of player employees. However, since the npc shopkeeper works set hours, there may be instances where there are no employees in the shop to help you. In this case, a push-bell is provided to alert any employees who may be on Discworld. Once the bell is pushed, an employee should contact you as soon as possible. If you get no reply, there may be no employees on Discworld and you should try again at a later time.
You can easily tell if there are any employees clocked in by looking at the room description. This will tell you which (if any) employees are currently clocked in, or in the event that no employees are clocked in, it will display the following message:
"No employees are currently clocked in."
Player-run shops are open to applications from any player. After filling out an application form, you will receive a reply from the management within 2 weeks. If successful, you may return to confirm your employment. If unsuccessful, you may not make another application for at least 14 days. At any time before confirming your employment, you may cancel your application.
You may also make a suggestion or a complaint. These will be sent in confidence to each manager. Note that any ideas, bug reports or typos should still be reported in the normal way.
To deal with the npc shopkeeper, you may use the buy and sell commands in the normal way. You may ask for a list of items bought and sold, or list individual items to find out how many are in stock at this time. You may also browse items to determine the current price.
Attacking the npc shopkeeper is not recommended. You will gain nothing except being banned from the shop for a while.