typo |
Discworld player help |
typo |
typo - Report typos to the creators
typo object <name of NPC or item>
typo command <name>
typo spell <name>
typo ritual <name>
typo help <subject>
typo room
This command informs the creators of typos in commands, spells, objects (room items, normal items, NPCs, etc.), rituals, help files, or rooms. The first argument is used to specify what type of typo report it is, while the second is the name of the command, spell, etc.
The typo report is recorded in a database specific to whatever you are using the command for, so try to be specific in your use.
If you have to report a typo in a spell you haven't remembered at the moment, you can use the name of one you have, as all spells are bugfixed by the same creator, so the report will still go to the right person. The same is true for rituals.
To report typos in rooms just stand in them and use the command.
To report typos in objects be VERY SPECIFIC. For example, if you've got three swords, don't use 'typo object sword' because the typo report will go to the first sword even if it's not the one with the typo. Instead, make sure which one has the typo and use something like 'typo object sword 2', or you can use its full name, i.e. 'typo object sword of doom'.
Specially for creators: the object can be specified by filename.
To report typos in commands, spells and rituals, just put the name of the command or spell as you know it as the second argument.
To report typos in a help file, use 'typo help <name>', PLEASE only use this for reporting typos in helpfiles.
> typo object sword
Ok, enter your text. ** on a line by itself to exit.
1 ] The sword of salying should be of slaying.
2 ] **
1 lines - Choose from IDLMCESQ or H for help. s
Quitting and saving.
> typo object dwarf
Ok, enter your text. ** on a line by itself to exit.
1 ] The dwarf is ok, but when there are two it should be dwarfs, not dwarves
2 ] this is not a Tolkien based world.
3 ] **
2 lines - Choose from IDLMCESQ or H for help. s
Quitting and saving.