liaisons |
Discworld player help |
liaisons |
liaisons - See which liaison creators are online.
This command lists the liaison creators currently logged in, who are able to assist you. If no liaison creators are logged on, player alts of liaisons are listed in brackets. If a liaison is busy or idle, this will also show up after their name in the list.
Discworld Liaisons are links between coders and players. Rather than spend all our time locked in a room coding, we do our best to keep things running smoothly for everyone, and help keep communication flowing.
If you have a problem with the game, find a bug, need help, or want to suggest an idea - run it past a Liaison, and we'll do our best to help you.
For a list of current liaisons, try 'finger liaison'.
For more information on what we do, how we can help, and how to apply, visit
> liaisons
The only Liaison creator logged on is Wyvyrn.
> liaisons
Liaison creators logged on are Kaea (busy) and Wyvyrn (idle: 59:59).