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Discworld player help



help - The help system.


help concepts
help command_list
help <topic>
help [spell|ritual|soul|command] <spell|ritual|soul|command>
help here
help <object>


Discworld features a rich and sophisticated help system. Information is available on a wide variety of topics and is accessible in many different ways.

Concept Help

Typing "help" by itself or "help concepts" will provide a list of Discworld concepts. An individual concept can be accessed by typing "help <concept>".

Each concept covers a high-level feature of Discworld and will typically refer to any commands or related concepts for further information.

Command Help

Discworld features a wide range of commands. Some are available all the time while others may be specific to a location or item. The general commands can be listed using "help command_list" and the details of a particular command can be viewed using "help <topic>".

Spells, rituals and souls also have their own help which you can read with "help <spell|ritual|soul>".

Occasionally there may be a clash between two help topics. To get help explicitly on a spell, ritual, soul or command when there is a clash, you can put "spell", "ritual", "soul" or "command" in front of the name. e.g. "help spell calm".

Context Sensitive Help

A new feature that is being added to Discworld is the ability for objects and places to have their own help. To access this information use "help here" or "help <object>". These pages will provide information about the specific location or object. e.g.: typing "help here" in a shop will show the help page for shops and provide information on how to use a shop.

Help System Features

The Discworld help system has a number of advanced features to help you find the right files.

Discworld has an extensive list of synonyms. e.g.: help fighters will show the guilds concept help file. In addition if there is no help file for the subject you request Discworld uses a spellcheck algorithm to try to identify help files that might be relevant.


Note that the help is being written and maintained by overworked and stressed creators, so errors may slip in, or things may change without being reflected in the help. If you notice something like this, please report the error with the "bug help <name>" command.


> help
Concepts list, try "help command_list" for a list of commands.
...list of concepts

> help faq on Discworld FAQ

> help smile on the smile soul

> help here on the room

See also
