Creators are the workhorses of the mud. If you don't like the term workhorse,
then feel free to call it something else. I have no problem with workguppy
or workwomble, or fish for that matter. You will be joined to a domain and
then you will help make that domain bigger, better, stronger, and most
importantly better than every other domain :)
You will have a certain amount of freedom with what you write. You can ask
your Lord if the idea you have is satisfactory for the domain. The lord may
ask you for a brief written proposal so he has a record and can go over it
when you are not there if times are inconvenient for you. It is the Lords
ultimate descision as to what is suitable and what is not.
Creators do not get the commands such as emote, echo, setmin etc. They are
commands used predominantly for socialising. If you want to socialise, log in
without the : in your name, and go and do the quests that give you those
commands. If you are logged on as a creator, it is so that you can be
productive and add to the mud. The default is invisible, (you have vis and
invis) so when you log on, people in the room will get the enters the game
message. We are even considering changing that so that if you log in as a
creator, you will start somewhere you will not be noticed by players so you can
enter silently.
Where do I find help on the objects I want to write?
For a start, look it /d/am and /d/sur for examples of them. Also, /std and /obj
are good places to look for example code. All player file code is stored in
/global so some things will be in there. All things pertaining to living
objects are in /std/living. The general philosiphy is that all things that are
inherited are in /std and all things cloned and configured are in /obj.
If all this looking at source code fails you or is not your style, try looking
in the /doc/create directory. This is where documents pertaining to coding for
certain objects reside.
Where is the help for the creator commands?
You can go help and will get help on almost anything in the /doc dir. If you
want a list of the creator specific commands, ls /doc/creator wil do that.