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Singapore Sling was founded by Pazuzu in Ankh-Morpork

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"The Singapore Sling is a cocktail invented by a Mr. Ngiam Tong Boon for
the Raffles Hotel in Singapore sometime between 1910 and 1915. At one
point, the recipe fell into disuse and was forgotten by the bar staff.
The recipe currently used by the hotel was the result of recreating the
original recipe based on the memories of former bartenders and some written
notes that they were able to discover." (Wikipedia)

It is also one of the two things that non-Singaporeans often bring up
whenever you mention Singapore, the other being the ban on chewing-gum.

So if you live on that small red dot near the equator and wish to meet your
fellow countrymen and women on the Disc, we invite you to join this club!
The members are:
Sayukri, Tomorrow and Xisalt
The recruiters are:
Sayukri, Tomorrow and Xisalt

This is an elected club:

The next election will be held at Tue Jun 25 01:58:53 2024