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The Demonwright family was founded by Mythica in 0

The Demonwrights are the oldest family in all of Discworld. They are The First Family, created in the Void. They hold no allegiance to any nation, and roam freely over the entirety of the Disc. The Originals: Mythica, the Matron Mother, Bremen, the Brothers' Keeper, Aznin, the Father's Lament, Erin, the Vile Augur, WeiQi, the Quiet Truth, Mono, the Baleful Watcher, and Janet, the Sons' Sorrow are gone. They will forever be remembered as some of the most powerful, and well respected members of the Unseen University. The Guardians of Demonwright have earned the right to carry the name. While not blood-related, as the Originals are, they are afforded the same respect and privileges.

A passage from a scroll left by Mythica describes some early history of the Originals:  

"Long ago trust was given, but we were fooled by them with silver tongues and golden breath. Lessons taught by craven hearts - they watched us wither, fall, and part. We were seperated, but now we're found. We learned our lesson, and from the ashes to which we fell, we rose again. Knowledge we hold tight, and in power we grow; thaumic waves do flow through veins now twisted with blackened blood. Eyes of loathing and pain gaze outward, no longer with life-intent, but now seeking power, revenge, and solace. Mavens of  illusions we have become, altering our forms to become more like others. Among you we hide." 

                                                             ~The Archivist, 12:00 Ae Em, Saturday 10th Ember Secundus, UC 1901.

The members are:
Aznin, Bremen, Casiphia, Erin, Iskra, Janet, Mono, Mythica, Nocturne, Requiem and Weiqi