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Some More Changes To Spells, posted on Sun May 17 20:19:48 2009
Posted by: Touchstone
Category: Guilds
Myrandil's Vicious Seizure: Previously, we got the same failure message ("An inebriated barge sailor tries to leave, but is held in place by the hands.") when they didn't have enough gp as when they failed the skillcheck. I've silenced that, so combat in fields of undead hands should be less spammy now.

Small blue lights and glowing moths will now actually stop fighting you when you get the message "You get fed up with seeing the small blue light dodge aside, so you stop fighting it." They sh...

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Spell Changes, posted on Sat May 16 20:13:03 2009
Posted by: Touchstone
Category: Guilds
Some changes to spells:

There was a bug whereby spells wouldn't use up their reagents if you were wearing them, but would still work. Now they'll neither use them up nor work (it will give the same failure message as it does when you use something you're keeping).

Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly Demon no longer requires you to be evil to cast it. The same spell sometimes backfires even when you succeed; your demonological amulet will now protect you from that, if worn.

Narquin's Mist of Doom can n...

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Feint And Abscond, posted on Sat May 16 04:09:01 2009
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
The defense skill for "feint" has changed from dodge/parry/block to fi.sp.tactics and feints can now be done unarmed.

In addition to this, it is now possible to abscond after a feint.

Spell Fixes, posted on Sun May 10 13:28:42 2009
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
A couple of ideas have been implemented and bugs fixed with some spells:

Using "shields" or looking at yourself/someone with a chalk skin created by

Chrenedict's Calcareous Covering now gives some indication of how many

layers are left. There has been no change in the strength etc.

A bug was fixed with sentient cabbages which means that eating several quickly won't

over-inflate the achievements progress, nor should the unpleasant side-effects be

so extreme.

The component problems with Calm Em...

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Impact Shield Colours, posted on Wed Apr 22 19:31:15 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: Guilds
The colour changes that accompany impact shield absorbption were previously blocked by having on the 'brief combat' option - now they're not.

Shields For TPA/major Shield, posted on Sat Apr 18 02:08:34 2009
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
This is a repost of the blog entry that was eaten by a bug:

Major shields and TPAs cast with any shield that is not a proper shield

(i.e. one that cannot be used in combat to block) will now be significantly

less effective than those created with a proper shield.

This was changed to address the problem of some players having access to

origami paper shields that were considerably lighter and smaller than others

available. These shields were later removed but it was not practical to remove

them ...

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Thaumometers, posted on Sat Apr 4 11:27:08 2009
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
Thaumometers are now able to be used by non-wizards.

Gaze And Longsight, posted on Mon Mar 30 20:09:52 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: Guilds
To make Longsight and Gaze consistent with the newly consistent crystal balls and FFM, Gaze and Longsight have similarly been changed to a PK assistance check rather than a straight up PK check. Remember, usual rules on NPK/PK interactions apply!


Floron's Fabulous Mirror, posted on Mon Mar 30 09:57:00 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: Guilds
In order to make this work in a consistent way with the crystal balls, the check for this has been changed from a straight PK check to a PK assistance check.

This should not be interpreted as permission for NPKs to interfere in PK activities - we already have rules in place for that. You may think 'Ah, they'll never know when that's happening', but trust us, WE KNOW.


Klein Bottles, posted on Sun Mar 29 11:41:32 2009
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
Aquilo has made a small change to Klein bottles; opening a bottle and releasing the spell in it will now increase background magic levels instead of giving it a chance to reform.



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