N.B - This is a work in progress... a living document if you like. If it appears to be dead when you view it, don't worry. It's most likely just playing possum.
Comments on these chapters and tutorials can be e-mailed to Drakkos.
The basic concept behind inheritance is simple. Say you have an object that you want to work as a weapon. In order to do so, you need to code a certain amount of functionality into the object. You need to code it so it can be wielded... so that it can be aimed at someone, and so that it can do damage to the target. You might also want to code it so that it can get damaged during a fight, or so that it's particularly effective against one type of armour, but not against another. Obviously a whole lot of effort has to go in to creating the weapon... and this code has to be duplicated and modified every time you want to create another weapon.
Eventually, you find out that another creator has been coding weapons as well, that work almost the same way as yours do... but not exactly, so they are incompatible. You have discontinuities such as one type of weapon breaking in combat, while another doesn't even take damage. This is undesirable, and leads to a patchwork, unprofessional MUD.
A much better solution is to have one piece of code that defines the behaviour and logic of a particular object, and allow other objects to use that as a base, modifying the base code as necessary to produce unique objects. This is done using a method called 'inheritance'.
The term derives from the natural world... an example of the principle in practise is shown below:
Animal / \ / \ Mammal Reptile / \ / \ Dog Cat / / Great Dane
All animals have a certain number of characteristics that are common to all. They all require sustenance to survive... they are all capable of procreation, and they all have a limited life span.
However, there are differences between mammals and reptiles. Reptiles are cold blooded, for example, and mammals are warm blooded. Both 'inherit' the properties of being an animal, but refine it slightly more.
Likewise, dogs and cats have their differences too... but each inherits the basic properties of being a mammal... and so also inherit the properties of being an animal. Great Danes inherit all the properties of being a dog, and so all the properties of being a mammal, and so all the properties of being an animal.
Object Orientated Programming
This model can be applied successfully to computer programming to provide a basic library of functionality for objects, and allow other objects to 'inherit' this functionality, as well as providing their own. This ensures compatibility without stifling creativity, and so is a Very Good Thing.
Let's have a look at how this technique would work in practise. Let's say we have two objects. An object called bing, and an object called bong. Bing has the functions 'frog' and 'womble' defined. Bong has the function 'wibble' defined:
void wibble() {
void frog() {
void womble() {
Now, if we call the function frog() in the object bong, we'll get an error stating the function is not defined. However, if we called wibble(), we get the text "Wibble!" printed to the screen. Likewise, calling wibble in bing will give a function not defined error, whereas both frog() and womble() will print the relevant text.
If we weren't using inheritance, in order include the functions frog() and womble() into object bong, it would be necessary to duplicate the code into bong like so:
void wibble() {
void frog() {
void womble() {
If we then wanted to change the function frog() to print out "frog frog!", we'd need to alter the code in both object bing and in object bong. Imagine if these were useful functions that were spread over a thousand pieces of code over the MUD. Nightmare!
However, if it were possible to 'inherit' the properties of object bing, it would be possible to then use the functions in bong as if they had been duplicated:
inherit "bing";
void wibble() {
So, in our new object bong, we can now call the methods frog() and womble() in addition to wibble(). Neat! But why is this better than duplicating the code each time? Well, there are a number of reasons:
1) Storing the code in an object that is then inherited means that wide ranging changes to functionality can be made only by changing the object that is inherited. Instead of having to change frog() in every object that has the function, we simply change it in bing, and every object that inherits the function will be changed.
2) Providing substantially usable objects as a basis to be inherited allows for greater consistency and efficiency when creating. You don't need to reinvent the wheel for every object. So instead of adding code to hold, wield, and break weapons, you simply inherit a single file that does all that for you. This leaves you to be more creative without worrying about the low level functionality.
3) It is much more efficient with regards to the driver. Briefly, rather than compiling each duplicated function separately in each object, inheritance allows for objects to share the same piece of compiled code. Each object will have individual copies of each global variable within the object, however: this means that if objects A and B inherit object C, the running of object A will not interfere in any way with the running of object B because they both have their own slice of memory containing their various variables.
Masking Inherited Methods
Of course, in many cases an object that you inherit may provide a function that you would like to utilise... unfortunately, this object does not provide quite the functionality that you require for your object. Perhaps you need to do an extra check on a particular variable, for example, but the inherited function does not do this. Fear not! You are not stumped because of this, because it is possible to 'mask' inherited methods to change the functionality!
Let us look back to our object bong. Let's say we want to inherit bing as above, but rather than print "Womble!" when we call the function womble(), we want it to print out "Uncle Bulgaria!" instead.
The code for printing "Womble" is already in place. What we want to do, however, is redefine this method locally in bong so that it prints out "Uncle Bulgaria". But, since we want to keep the functionality of the frog() function, we don't want to simply write an object that does not inherit bing. Instead, we override, or mask, the womble method to:
inherit "bing";
void wibble() {
void womble() {
printf("Uncle Bulgaria!\n");
Now, when the function womble() is called on bong, we get the text 'Uncle Bulgaria!' instead of the text 'Womble!'. Neat! But what if we wanted to print out "Uncle Bulgaria!" first, then the text "Womble!" in the inherited method? Well, we could do this by duplicating the code from bing... but that's not compatible with our inheritance model. Instead, we can 'override' a method to first perform some code in our local object before executing the code in the inherited object. We do this using the '::' scope definition to preface the name of the function. This essentially states 'go back one object in the inheritance chain and try to call this function'. If that function doesn't exist, it will continue to travel down the inheritance chain until it finds an object that does define it, or throws out an error because the function doesn't exist anywhere:
inherit "bing";
void wibble() {
void womble() {
printf("Uncle Bulgaria!\n");
Now calling the function womble in bong will produce:
Uncle Bulgaria!
If we wanted it the other way around, we could do:
inherit "bing";
void wibble() {
void womble() {
printf("Uncle Bulgaria!\n");
Which would print:
Uncle Bulgaria!
This is only a very simple example of how we can use these techniques, of course. In day to day creatoring, it is likely you will be inheriting objects that inherit other objects that inherit multiple objects in the same file! At this time, however, you do not need to think too deeply about any of this.
Variable and Function Qualifiers
But wait, there's more! Of course there's more! Sometimes in objects, you will notice the functions and variables may be prefaced with Unusual and Arcane words. 'private', 'public', 'protected'. Although related primarily to functions and variables, we couldn't cover them in those chapters because it is necessary to understand the basics of inheritance before some of them make sense. Having read what we have above, hopefully you will have the appreciation of inheritance required to be able to fully understand what these 'qualifiers' do.
Occasionally, for security reasons, it will be necessary for a variable or function to be made invisible to an object that inherits it. For example, if we have a variable called 'name' used in the inheritable, we don't want any objects that inherit it to later over-write the value of this because of a locally defined variable or function. The 'private' qualified exists for this reason, and is used thusly:
private string _name;
private void my_function () {
Private variables and functions may only be referenced in the object that defines them... they cannot be referenced in any object that may inherit them. Let's look back on our bing inheritable, and add in two new methods:
void frog() {
void womble() {
void wobble() {
private void do_print_message() {
Again, we will say that object bong inherits object bing. Now, say we want to call the wobble() function in bong. We do so, and the text:
Appears on our screen as can be expected. All well and good, but all wobble() does is call another function that prints the message. But if we try and call this function directly from bong, we get an error message stating the function does not exist.
The reasons this will generally be done are for security and to ensure data integrity. Unless you are actually going to dabble in writing inheritables (and that is beyond the scope of this document), you will only need to know what the private qualifier implies.
Another qualifier you are likely to see is the qualifier 'nomask'. A function qualified as 'nomask' cannot be masked or overridden as defined above... it will only give an error when you attempt to do so. For example, let's say we change our object bing a little:
void frog() {
nomask void womble() {
private void do_print_message() {
And we leave bong exactly as it was:
inherit "bing";
void wibble() {
void womble() {
printf("Uncle Bulgaria!\n");
This will now produce a parse error when you attempt to compile bong. This is because our object attempts to redefine the function womble(), which we just qualified as 'nomask'. Like with private qualifier, this is usually done for security, so that critical functions cannot be masked to return false values for the purpose of circumventing code that depends on it.
Sometimes a function or a variable will be qualified as 'public'. This is the default for functions and variables, and can be assumed when no qualifier is present. It means that a function/variable is available to all objects that inherit it, and can be masked/overridden as defined above.
Although it is not directly related to inheritance, there is another function qualifier called 'varargs' that can be used to change the way a function deals with arguments being passed in. Normally when you define a list of parameters to a function, you will get a parse error if you try and pass in a different number when you call the function. It is possible to qualify a function as varargs, however, which will allow you to be somewhat more flexible with the function. You cannot pass in more arguments than you previously specify, but you can pass in a smaller number, with the remainder being passed in as 0:
varargs void test_function (string, string, int);
test_function (string name, string word, int value) {
printf("Arguments are: %s, %s, %d\n", name, word, value);
By declaring our test_function as varargs, we can call it with anything between zero and three arguments. You will need to manually design your function so that it behaves differently depending on what is passed in, however... varargs cannot do this for you.
Let's look at what is passed in with three different argument lists to the test_function: test_function("drakkos"), test_function("Drakkos", "bing!"), and test_function("Drakkos, "bing!", 10). The printf in our function will print the argument list in order, so let's see what the printf will come up with:
Arguments are: drakkos, 0, 0
test_function("drakkos", "bing!"):
Arguments are: drakkos, bing!, 0
test_function("drakkos", "bing!", 10):
Arguments are: drakkos, bing!, 10
This is an extremely useful qualifier when writing generic inheritables... in general you will not have to use this qualifier, but as always, it is important to understand what it does.
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, we discussed the basics of inheritance, and how it can be used to improve quality and consistence within the MUD. We also looked at how to redefine methods, and how to qualify our functions so as to alter their behaviour in regards to other objects that inherit them.
One of the key benefits of inheritance is that it allows for greater
efficiency and object reusability.
Inheritables are inherited using the inherit keyword, followed by
the path of the file to inherit: inherit "/obj/monster";
Objects that inherit other objects can access the functions in the
inherited object as if they were defined locally.
Objects that inherit other objects get their own memory allocated
for global variables, although they use the same compiled function code.
Inherited functions can be redefined, or masked, locally to alter
their behaviour. The :: scope operator can be used to call functions in inherited
Variables and functions can be 'qualified' using qualifier keywords.
The private qualifier makes a function or variable invisible to any
object that inherits it.
The nomask qualifier makes it impossible to redefine the qualified
# function locally.
The varargs qualifier can be used to make argument lists more flexible
by allowing variable numbers of arguments to be passed in as a function. Arguments
that are not explicitly passed in will be treated as if they were 0.