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File /std/room/council_citizenship.c
This is the place you go to try and become a citizen of the council
area.Written by Pinkfish
Started Wed Sep 27 18:19:22 PDT 2000
This class inherits the following classes /std/basic/expressions.c, /std/room/inherit/council_base.c, /std/room/inherit/honours.c and /std/room/basic_room.cIncludes
This class includes the following files /include/nomic_system.h, /include/mail.h, /include/expressions.h and /include/player_handler.hClass Index
Method index
- do_add_blacklist(string, string)
This method adds a person to the blacklist.
- do_apply()
This is the method used for someone to apply for citizenship.
- do_approve(string)
This method makes the citizen approved by a happy little magistrate.
- do_deny(string, string)
This allows you to put in a reason for denying someone for citizenship.
- do_list()
This method lists all the current applicants.
- do_list_blacklist(int)
This method lists the current blacklist.
- do_list_denied()
This method lists the current set of denied people.
- do_list_expression()
This method lists the expression used for showing if someone is
allowed to be a citizen or not.
- do_remove_blacklist(string)
This method removes a person from the blacklist.
- do_set_expression(string, int)
This method sets up the expression to use to check to make sure people
are allowed to apply for citizenship.
- do_sponsor(string)
This allows someone to sponsor someone for citizenship.
- load_me()
This loads all the exciting data for the citizenship room.
- post_weekly_results()
This method posts the weekly results about the citizenship approvals
to the council board.
- query_save_file()
This method returns the current save file name.
- save_me()
This method saves everything!
- set_save_file(string)
This method sets the save file.
Public Functions
These are functions that everyone can access.
int do_add_blacklist(string person,
string reason)
This method adds a person to the blacklist.
- Parameters:
person - the person to add
reason - the reason for them to be blacklisted
int do_apply()
This is the method used for someone to apply for citizenship.