The funct which is to be called only needs to be called once as
the objects state is saved. When a player enters, logsout or goes
net dead the funct will be called on the specified object. The
funct will have two parameters, the first will be the player
name logging in/out and the last will be a define from /include/login.h
specifying which sort of event has occured.
A new temporary method of adding a call back to the login_handler has been
added. This will allow you to add a call that is not saved,
so you can use an object reference instead of a file name.
int add_dynamic_login_call(string player,
mixed funct,
mixed obj)
This method adds a funct to be called whenever a player logs
in. The funct and object are stored only for this reboot
so they may be object references or funct pointers.
- Parameters:
player - specfic player to look for "all" for everyone
func - the funct to call
obj - the object to call the funct on
- Returns:
0 on failure and 1 on success
- See also:
remove_dynamic_login_call() and add_static_login_call()
int add_static_login_call(string player,
mixed funct,
mixed obj)
This method adds a funct to be called whenever a player logs
in. The funct and object both need to be strings so that
they are saved correctly. This will be saved to the save file
and restored over logins.
The function will be called with two parameters, the first is the
name of the player and the second is the type of the event. The
event types are defined in /include/login.h The event will be one
- Parameters:
player - specfic player to look for "all" for everyone
func - the funct to call
obj - the object to call the funct on
- Returns:
0 on failure and 1 on success
- See also:
remove_static_login_call() and add_dynamic_login_call()
void add_to_login_queue(object login_ob)
This method adds an object to the login queue. This is called from
inside /secure/login.c
- Parameters:
login_ob - the object to add to the queue
- See also:
int can_jump_queue(object ob)
void clean_lockdowns()
void clear_lockdowns(string ip)
void clear_messages()
void failed_login(string ip_addr)
string get_message(string mess_name)
This function is used to cache the login messages used by /secure/login
it costs a bit in memory but saves us having to re-read the same text
file everytime someone logs in.
For security reasons this function will only work with files in /doc
- Parameters:
the - filename of the file to be returned
- Returns:
the text of the file.
int int_is_discworld_full(int logins)
int is_compressed_full(int logins)
int is_discworld_full(int logins)
Try and figure out if the mud is full or not. Counts the number
of players and returns a true or false value.
- Parameters:
logins - a flag
- Returns:
1 if the mud is full, 0 if it is not
- See also:
/include/login.h->WITHOUT_LOGINS_NOT_IN_QUEUE(), /include/login.h->WITHOUT_LOGIN_QUEUE() and /include/login.h->WITHOUT_ANY_LOGINS()
int is_uncompressed_full(int logins)
object pop_from_login_queue()
This method returns the top element of the login queue and removes
them from it.
- Returns:
the top element of the login queue, 0 if none
string query_best()
This returns the player name with the best alignment.
- Returns:
player name with the best alignment
void query_lockdowns()
object * query_login_queue()
This method returns the current list of people in the login
- Returns:
the objects in the login queue
string * query_players_on()
This method returns a list of the current players who are
- Returns:
the string names of the online players
string query_worst()
This returns the player name with the worst alignment.
- Returns:
player name with the worst alignment
int remove_dynamic_login_call(string player,
mixed funct,
mixed obj)
This method removes a login call.
- Parameters:
player - the player specifier
funct - the funct name
obj - the object to call the funct on
- Returns:
0 on failure and 1 on success
- See also:
add_dynamic_login_call() and add_static_login_call()
void remove_from_login_queue(object ob)
This method removes an object from the login queue, if they log out
or something.
- Parameters:
ob - the object to remove from the queue
int remove_static_login_call(string player,
mixed funct,
mixed obj)
This method removes a login call.
- Parameters:
player - the player specifier
funct - the funct name
obj - the object to call the funct on
- Returns:
0 on failure and 1 on success
- See also:
add_static_login_call() and add_dynamic_login_call()
int site_lockeddown(string ip_addr)
int tidy_players_on(string player)
void update_players_on(string player)
void write_log(string event,
string name,
int guest,
string other)
This method is used to do delayed logging to the log files. It will
store a bunch of entries until it is over a maximum size and then
save this to the log.
- Parameters:
event - the event generated
name - the name of the player the event is for
guest - if the person in question is a guest
other - other information about the event