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File /obj/cont_medium.c

Continuous Medium Object. amount: current quantity of medium in arbitrary units continuous: 1 for continuous (default), reset to 0 for normal object behaviour collective: 1 for collective, 0 for normal behaviour. weight_unit: ({ a, b }) means that b units have weight a value_scale (float): if set & continuous, value is ::query_value() * amount * value_scale; else value is ::query_value() medium_alias: used for identification - choose something with capitals (e.g. "ChalkDust") so players can't use it as a valid alias by accident pile_name: "pile", "collection", "puddle", etc. amount_types: ([ "pinch": ({ 1, "pinches" }), "handful": ({ 50, "handfuls" }) ]) pile_types: ({ 50, "small", 100, "medium", 150, "large", "huge" }); Added by Jeremy, 4-Nov-95: ground, longs, shorts, medium_aliases The above were removed by Jeremy, 18-Jun-97. Hopefully no one will miss them.

Written by Jeremy Additions for collective objects: Since "a" and "an" will be replaced with the number of objects, "$a" and "$an" can be used if there should be a non-changing "a" or "an" in the long. For verbs you can use $V$. Example: $Vglows$glow If there are any words which should be pluralized, place a $P in front of it, like $Pleaf or $Pword Finally you can use $A if you want "a word" in for one object and "words" for more than one.


This class inherits the following classes /std/object.c


This class includes the following files /include/money.h, /include/shops/bank.h, /include/parse_command.h, /include/move_failures.h and /include/obj_parser.h

Method index

Public Functions

These are functions that everyone can access.
