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Lost Highways

Discworld ritual help

Lost Highways


Lost Highways — Makes the way unclear, and journeys more convoluted.


When Lost Highways is performed on an area, the path becomes unclear, and the correct way clouded. To perform this ritual, you need a holy symbol, a block of incense and a prayer book containing the prayer "Strange Travels".


> perform lost highways
You set fire to the incense while chanting the psalm of the lost.
With a whispered prayer, you wave the incense around, creating a rough outline of the room.
You drag your set of sapphire prayer beads through the smoky pattern, blurring it into irrecognisability.
Reality softens like butter on a lobster.
Everything swirls and twists, and you can no longer rightly tell one direction from another anymore.

Gods granting this ritual

This ritual is only granted by Sandelfon.