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Assassins' Guild

Discworld Newbie Help

Assassins' Guild


There are four groups of hired killers on Discworld: the Ankh-Morpork Guild of Assassins, the Agatean Ninja, the Hashishim of Klatch and the Genuan Mano Rossa.

Each organisation's members will automatically become player killers (see "help playerkilling") when gaining full member status, usually by passing some form of test.

Ankh-Morpork Assassins

The Guild of Assassins provides an excellent all-round education. Graduates of the guild (graduation is by completion of a dangerous examination known as the "Run") will be skilled in a wide variety of subjects and able to move in all social circles.

The guild is located on Filigree Street in Ankh-Morpork, and has a few bases in surrounding cities. Becoming an Assassin is a challenge. Assassins are a proud guild, neither giving nor asking for information on how to join.


The Ninja of the Agatean Empire value honour, amongst themselves especially, and would rather die than live without it. They are expected to be experts on all aspects of Agatean culture.

Their headquarters are located on Silk Lane in the Agatean city of Bes Pelargic.


The Hashishim were the first known group to practise assassination as a profession. They derive their name from the vast quantities of hasheesh they consume. Before being allowed to inhume, Hashishim must pass a series of trials.

Their headquarters are located in the cliffs west of Djelibeybi.

Mano Rossa

Once a part of the Coffee Nostra, the Mano Rossa, or Red Hands of Genua, broke away from the other families to specialise in the art of assassination. They value loyalty and expect members to take an Oath before being allowed to attempt hits.

They are based in a mansion on Dauphin Street, Genua.

See Also

playerkilling, guilds, guild information